Dropbox for advanced users
Each organisation can have up to 8 publications and editions (or issues).
Don’t panic - we’ll set the folders up automatically for you, and they’ll look something like this:
- your-organisation-name
- online
- your-publication-name
- editions
- track1.mp3
- track2.mp3
- editions
- your-publication-name
- online
If your organisation was called Gardening Weakly and you had two publications called Chive Talking and Wikileeks, your folders would look like this:
- gardening-weakly
- online
- chive-talking
- editions
- 2021-01-14
- track1.mp3
- track2.mp3
- 2021-01-07
- track1.mp3
- track2.mp3
- 2021-01-14
- editions
- wikileeks
- editions
- 2021-01-12
- track1.mp3
- track2.mp3
- 2021-01-05
- track1.mp3
- track2.mp3
- 2021-01-12
- editions
- chive-talking
- online